Wednesday, July 4, 2012

They Want to Fly the Coop!

Already, the chicks are trying to fly. I'm surprised. Jim is surprised. They actually look at the top of the brooder box, aim, flap, and next thing you know, there they are! Sitting on the edge, looking at you.
You can tell we're new at this!
We decided to cover the brooders with window screens for now. It's working.

They are  beautiful and growing feathers. It's been since Saturday since we lost any, and I'm quite excited about that. I think it means we're learning and doing okay. The roosters are colorful and curious. The hens are quieter and friendly.

We have some white leghorns - they will be the egg layers, they are HUGE and already look like chickens. Some of them are actually bawking rather than peeping. Less than two weeks old.

Can you believe it? I thought my kids grew fast!

Happy July 4th!
In vibrant health,

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