Monday, July 9, 2012

The Only Thing Constant is Change

Yesterday evening we moved the pheasant to a larger "brooding house", which was our tool storage shed for the garden. Luckily, Jim recently cleaned it out so it wasn't too big of a project in preparation. 
I felt a little sad for the babies as they just were getting used to being in their new home and now we move them again. They seem to like their new arrangement, but had no idea what was ahead of them when we were gathering them for the move. This  morning, they are enjoying the extra space and a bit of fresh air from the vent placed way high in the ceiling, and I can't help but wonder if they knew what was coming if they wouldn't have been more eager to be handled in the move to the new space. 

It made me think about change in our own lives. 

Change is one of life's greatest challenges. We will plant our feet firmly in the ground, or even sometimes, just like these little pheasant did, run around aimlessly screaming as if doing so will prevent the change. But, the change is necessary and will happen anyway. 

Often when I'm working with clients, this topic surfaces. We all know change is imminent, many of us know and recognize that we've changed before and it's often for the better. Still, we do everything we can to stop it. Why?

I believe it is a simple fear of the unknown. We just don't know what's on the other side. It could be something amazing like that new opportunity, an up level in our living (like our pheasant received) or it could be another challenge. 

For me, because I've always had so much change in my life, I will create change in my own life if things sit too still. I often find that I might create challenges for myself this way, but more often than not, they are great challenges where I grow and learn and can create a better me for the world. 

For my clients, I am a facilitator of change, supporting them in moving through small changes, to make the transition easier and longer lasting. Doing so is an honor and a gift for me, because I know that it's an up level in living for them. It's allowing them to walk through the door to that new life, new body, new perspective that so many women are seeking.

Does fear hold you back from living your best life? 
In what spaces do you try to prevent change? 
How does doing so hold you back from your best self? 

I'd love to hear from you! 
In Vibrant Health and Happiness,
Tammi Hoerner

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