Sunday, August 7, 2011

Self Challenges and Accomplishments

I think it is my Gemini side that always ventures off the trail I originally set out to walk.
I intended to originally challenge myself to walk, a lot. Then I found out that my son is totally opposed to hiking and completely not up to walking much more than a block.
This resulted in a lot of non-walking activities over the summer. Especially after the Red Rocks hike. It was beautiful, but he opposed, griped, and complained the whole way. Which truly took the enjoyment out of it.
Yet, last week, I found myself at the zoo toting him along in his wagon, while I walked a couple of miles in the 100 degree heat. I LOVE to walk, and it's always the way I find my way back to health and balance when things get out of whack in my life.
The other thing I intended to do was to eat vegetarian to get some of the stress weight off that I gained in my huge changes this year. I realized why I am not a vegetarian in the first place.

  1. Doing so makes me crave meat
  2. When I don't honor this craving, I eat pretty much anything that is near me, except cats and people of course. (let's not talk about furniture....of course I'm kidding)
  3. I usually find myself in the middle of a binge wondering how I got so far off track. 
So, needless to say, the vegetarianism went right out the window. If you read back and wonder what happened to all of it, you can now see why I got off track... really, I needed to identify it before I realized what happened. This is the gift of doing what I do as a health coach. 
As I find balance in my every day life of coaching and running New Beginnings, my center, I am once again finding the balance in my health and lifestyle activities. 

While I am not eating vegetarian, we have mostly meatless meals. I prepare meals with meat perhaps 2 or 3 times a week, with the rest being meatless. 
I've also found a nice balance in my movement that keeps me inspired and allows me to accommodate my son's need to not walk too far. 
I find myself in my work out room, in our basement 6 days a week. This space allows him to play in his room, watch television, or work along side me for a few minutes at a time. It allows me to properly control my workouts so I get the most out of them, keeping my heart rate elevated and my body moving. We also have the appropriate equipment to rotate exercises to keep my body guessing, allowing me to reduce plateaus and quickly reach my health goals.
Our Mondays are still filled with fun activities with the kids, but they often revolve more around his interests. Little Monkey Business, the Denver Zoo, along with hanging out around the house and getting stuff done. 

So, If you find yourself asking, "What happened to the 100 salads in 100 days? and How Many Miles Can I walk in a year?", well, I'm still working on the salads.... and I'm adding miles, as they are walked where I can account for the distance. 
In a way, it shows that being able to change your routines to meet the needs of your life can help you to continue to move forward in reaching your goals, and in a way it might help to know that you are not set in concrete and it's okay to not end doing what you originally set out to do, as long as you know you are taking care of you. 

Today, I walked a mile on my treadmill, and topped it off with 13 minutes on my eliptical. I've been lifting weights 3 - 4 days a week as well. I am loving this weight resistance and the results I'm seeing. I'm standing taller and losing inches quickly. WHICH I LOVE! 

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