Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sage & Shiitake Stuffed Squash

Sage & Shiitake Rice Stuffed Squash

Sage & Shiitake Stuffed Squash
What you'll need:

1 Butternut squash
2 stalks celery
4 medium shiitake mushrooms
1 purple endive head
2 Cups brown or wild rice, cooked measurement
2 Tbsp organic butter
2 Sage leaves
Your favorite herb seasoning blend. I used Watkins Garlic Herb.

Preheat oven to 375. Cut squash in half length wise. Scrape out seeds. Place dabs of butter on flesh of squash. Lay face up in 2 cups of water in a deep casserole dish and cover with foil. Bake for 30 - 45 minutes until tender.
While Squash is baking, slice and chop all vegetables and sage. Saute in 1 Tbsp butter or olive oil until tender. Add rice to vegetables and stir well.
When squash is done baking, season flesh of squash and rice stuffing. Stuff where seeds were with rice mixture. Place back in oven for up to 15 minutes.
Serve warm.
Serves 3 to 4.

With Gratitude

This year has been an extremely pivotal year in my own life, and I feel like it has been so much so for nearly everyone in the world. It's an amazing time to be alive, and for this I am so grateful.

Most of the changes in my life represent the manifestation of opportunities. I left my long time corporate business career to pursue my greatest passion in health and wellness, as a health coach and director of a wellness center. Today, I own my own health and wellness center and operate a growing health coaching practice. That's not the only change that occurred though.

I've made a few new friends, overcome fears of being in the public eye, public speaking, and learned to become more courageous. For this, I am thankful.

I've created a schedule that is completely manageable, which in turn, has allowed me to spent much more time with my kids, my husband, and be at home where I can finally take hold of  my own household responsibilities. (for the first time ever, my house is consistently manage-ably clean!) For all this I am grateful.

I'm able to be available when my son is sick, when he needs to be picked up from school, when I need to spend more time focusing on him. At four, this is a normal Mom calling. But with a full time job, it's extremely unlikely he'd get any of the time I'm able to give now, as I struggled with this with my daughter. For this I have so long worked toward and I am so grateful.

I have found my space of physical and emotional balance, through taking early morning time to journal, to move my body in ways I enjoy like yoga, walking, playing ball with my son, or dancing crazily around my living room. I am eating foods that nourish me, and making better choices over all. I am quiet enough to hear what my body is asking for and enjoy giving it what it needs. For this space after ten years of struggling, I am grateful.

I am thankful for each person who trusted me as a professional Health Coach, who opened their hearts enough to commit to their own well being, who for me, were amazing journeys to be a part, who helped me to grow and to become a better coach.

I am so thankful for each person who has walked through the doors of New Beginnings as a client. Who are taking steps to heal their bodies and lives. It is such a gift to  me to be able to create a space that is doing so much good.

I am extremely grateful for my group of amazing, gifted practitioners who continue to work hard to build their own businesses, who are working hard to be a part of my vision for our center and who always show up 100% for what they do. I am honored to be working with each of you. For you, I am grateful.

I am thankful for the wonderful friends I have made who keep on supporting my dream and vision of helping women to reconnect with themselves, to engage in their own lives, and to live life without regret, fully, deeply and with love.

More than anything, I am grateful for my husband and children, who are always amazing me with support, patience, ears that listen from the heart, and open arms when I need them, and an unimaginable amount of love. I am so lucky of a mom and wife to have this amazing family in my life. For you, I am grateful.

.....I am grateful to have so many blessings in my life. ....
Happy November,
Tammi Hoerner, CHHC, AADP, MH
Founder, Director New Beginnings Health & Wellness

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Super Simply Healthy Pizza

Super Simple Healthy Pizza

You'll Need:
1 pack multigrain pizza crusts - small
(I used a 5 pack of Pizza Parlor Whole Grain crusts)
Olive Oil
Garlic Herb mix
Green Olives
Artichoke hearts
2 Medium tomato
Low moisture Mozzarella Cheese

I used my pizza stone for this project. Preheat oven to 375.

lightly oil pizza stone, lay three pizza crusts on pan. Lightly oil crust. Slice tomatoes as thin as possible and spread out on pizzas. Sprinkle seasoning mix (I used Watkins Garlic Herb), layer toppings however you want!
Bake for 15 minutes.
Eat and enjoy
Serves 3